Posts in Cats
Ali, Frankie and Ore

“Frankie was totally bonkers, he constantly jumped on our  other cat, and Oreo would hiss and growl.  We now have a cat that is much calmer, sleeps a lot and the majority of the time leaves Oreo alone. Helen was very approachable and you could ask her anything. The report was excellent and the solutions were simple and easy to implement. Frankie can now stay with us, as at one point we thought we would have to re home him. Thank you Helen we now have a happy house!”

CatsHelen Greenley
Teresa and Chloe

“Chloe, aged 18, was showing signs of distress and had started to toilet outside her litter tray and to yowl loudly at night.  With her caring and intuitive approach Helen helped us to make Chloe feel safe again and she is now using her litter tray.  Helen’s perspective on Chloe’s change of behaviour has enabled us to help Chloe settle and she is now very happy and most contented.”

CatsHelen Greenley
Laura, Tiny and Tim

“I acquired Tiny & Tim, 2 brothers, from a rescue shelter at about 15 months, they were extremely timid and would not come into the same room as me.  Helen’s advice was invaluable and her strategies for helping them to feel safe, as well as time and patience, has meant they are finally able to feel confident enough to join me in the same room and sleep on my bed at night.”

CatsHelen Greenley